Window To Ethiopia is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, USA.
The founder and president of the Board of Directors of Window To Ethiopia is James N. Larsen, CAE, an association professional for over twenty years and a development and marketing consultant in the hotel and tourism fields. He is currently Executive Director of the Dulles Area Transportation Association in Chantilly, Virginia, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the environment through traffic management strategies.
His desire to help Ethiopia and its people developed during a five week sabbatical in 2007. He traveled over 3000 kilometers along the Historic Route in a four-wheel drive vehicle, visiting not just the historic sites but also the rural villages and farms where he came to know and admire these proud people and their culture.
On a second visit, Mr. Larsen journeyed to eastern Ethiopia, from Addis Ababa to Harar. He visited the South Rift Valley, with an extended stay around Lake Langano and in the adjacent countryside. Here he became aware of the seriousness of the deforestation and its potential impact on the ecology, particularly in the area surrounding Lake Abiata and Lake Shalla. After a trip to the Menagasha Forest, Mr. Larsen returned to Addis Ababa with a beginnings of a plan to help renew Ethiopia's forests.
Back in the United States, Mr. Larsen began making contact with other organizations involved in helping Ethiopia. With input from of Catie Dupont, a former member of the Board of Directors of Ethiopia Reads and current volunteer who lived in country for over a year, Mr. Larsen developed the Trees 4 Ethiopia concept.
Through the sale of silicone Trees 4 Ethiopia wristbands - initially at the Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) 2008 Soccer Tournament June 28-July 5 at RFK Stadium in Washington, DC - Window To Ethiopia hopes to raise thousands of dollars to begin the community-based planting and nurturing of trees.
Another of Window To Ethiopia's projects is a recently-launched educational sponsorship program providing financial support for deserving middle school students in the villages near Arse Neagle.
Members of the Board of Directors - each for his or her own reasons - share Mr. Larsen's commitment to Window To Ethiopia.
Girum Amanuel, a native Ethiopian, lives in Arlington, Virginia and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Mr. Amanuel has a hospitality management background with roots in the business community both here and in Ethiopia.
Douglas A. Pickford, President of Conservation Concepts, LLC, has over twenty years of environmental and land use planning experience. He has served in both public sector and private entities.
Kelly Woodward has over thirty years experience in marketing and public relations for associations and corporations. She has been involved with numerous charitable organizations including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Association for Retarded Citizens.
Hugh Barton, of Barton & Barton Travel Consultants, has significant international business and tourism experience. Born in the United Kingdom, he has lived and worked in Hong Kong and Virginia and traveled extensively in Europe and Asia. Mr. Barton's grandfather was the minister to Ethiopia during the early reign of Haile Selassie.
Catie Dupont is a former member of the Board of Directors of Ethiopia Reads, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving literacy in Ethiopia by funding and opening libraries and by publishing bilingual children's books. She remains an enthusiastic and committed volunteer.
Martin Miller is a middle school librarian and former educator. For over twenty years, he has dedicated himself to promoting literacy and a love of reading.
For further information on Window To Ethiopia please e-mail James Larsen at info@windowtoethiopia.org.